Monday 29 November 2010

wow wow wow

I physically gasped as an unexpected link took me on to Leif Podhajsky's website. Full of psychedelic album covers and artwork, taking you in to completely different realms. I don't know how to describe his work without sounding pretentious. Look for yourselves...

Im sitting in my tiny freezing cold room and suddenly feel so excited, i don't really know what it is, there's something about his work that just makes me feel so inspired. I think its the fact that he's combined these different elements that i really love. In really basic terms he seems to create the surreal and fantastical with elements of collage and designed all around a great soundtrack ( a lot of his work is album artwork). This is what i want!

He co-runs the design studio 'And' in melbourne, maybe i could do my placement in australia? Amazing...

Best Coast.

Lovely band, lovely artwork.


I am majorly excited about the next projects.
I must must must have the illustration project, please wake up on time!

I'm not going to lie, i think there is potential of me throwing a tantrum if i end up having to do web design...not that there's anything wrong with web design.

writers block?

I suppose you can't call what i have writers block, maybe creative block? or just general mind block. I haven't been blogging about my project because i don't feel like i have anything good to say about it. It's really frustrating because in general if i try at something i tend to be at least alright at it.. but this just isn't seeming to connect. I think part of it is the fact that computers seem to hate me, i've had at least 3 instances over the past couple of weeks where i've deleted all my work. I'm really really trying to master indesign, and just design in general. And it isn't through lack of trying!

 I think maybe this project just hasn't done it for me. I'm feeling like a bit of a failure at the moment.

But i will master this!

Thursday 11 November 2010

Sean Hillen.

I've slowly but surely been completing my 100 collages, to help me on my way i looked for some inspiration and stumbled across one artist i particualry liked for his composition and satirical humor....Sean Hillen.

The Great Cliffs of Collage Green, Dublin, IRELANTIS

The Great Wave of Temple Bar, Dublin, IRELANTIS

Friday 5 November 2010


We looked at different elements of the letter and different fonts.

My pornstar name...