Tuesday 18 October 2011



so i've been playing with some plasticine. I wanna try and make some scenes for my new project. This stuff is all very experimental and none of it is how i want it to look but it's a start.

Thank you.

During the summer i had an amazing internship at the Almeida theatre, working on Stephen Poliakoff's 'My City'. I did a series of illustrations for them which they used as props in the play. Unfortunately i don't yet have photos of these illustrations because it was all very top secret. But i thought i'd suck up and send them a thank you card, this is it.

Hopefully at some point in the future i'll be able to show you all the actual work i did for them.


It was my Grandma's big 8 7  so i thought i'd be nice and make her a little card.


It's like a house, get it?

Final Book.

Summer has drawn to an end. It has been long, occasionally sunny, and memorable. I thought before i get too stuck in to the new term i should show you lovely people how my last project ended up. I can say  for probably the first time in my 20 years that i'm genuinely happy with my work. I worked long in to the night and gave all i could give. Here is a selection of some of the pages i like the most. I hope you like them too.